Wednesday, August 16

Previously Unposted Blog entries...

...made after the move to my new apt:

First night in my new apt. Feels a little bit weird but I expect it’ll feel like home once I start getting rid of the boxes and get more of my stuff out. So far I’ve unpacked my computer, TV, and VCR. I’ve also opened the conveniently labeled “food” boxes. But that’s about it.

Bad news is that the movers couldn’t fit my queen box spring through the stairwell, they tried but no-go. At least I have my futon to sleep on in the meantime.
My landlord stored it in the garage for me until I can decide what to do with it. I’m going to try to sell it.
A couple people suggested had some suggestions:
a) cut the boxspring in a couple places so it’ll fit through, then wedge it back together with metal screws and clamps…my problem with this is that is sure to destroy the integrity of the boxspring itself and how safe would it be after that. Plus I think it’d have to be cut all along one side for it to fit.
b) use pulleys/ropes to pull it up to the 2nd floor through the porch windows(which would have to be removed)…ok so the windows aren’t wide enough and the entire frame around them would also have to be removed for the boxspring to fit through-again not a viable option.
My only real option is to buy a split boxspring which is ~$150. I might be able to get it interest-free, then I can pay it off over a couple months rather than all at once – got to stop using the credit cards at some point

Got a few more boxes unpacked. They put all my smaller boxes in 4 huge boxes (I could fit inside one easily) and they take up a ton of room. I’m exhausted.
Had to buy a new toilet seat – the one that was there was one of those soft ones (eewww). I hate those. Don’t like the way they feel plus I worry about how porous the material covering is, can you really disinfect that, I doubt it. I wanted coated wood or plastic. Plus it had a tear and I kept thinking about all the bacteria living in said tear coming out to have a party on any part of me that was touching the seat. Yeah so $10 and 20min of sweat = totally worth me not having to have kittens every time I needed to go.

Went over to a friend’s house for dinner and a dip in the pool…well I dipped my legs in. The rest of them all went in. I don’t have a suit, should probably get one. My punishment for not going into the pool = 17 mosquito bites on my legs and 12 on my arms. Crazy and itchy and I’m so not going there again in shorts.

10 days without cable or internet can drive one a little bit barmy. Only 2 more days to go. I got most of my laundry done today. Except for curtains - those from my old apt (which don’t look dirty at all but I know I only washed them once since I first put them up) and the ones that were up when I moved in my new place. I had to take the ones they left down – at least 10yrs worth of dust was on those curtains. I have never seen that much dust in one place on fabric before. My allergist would have kittens if he knew I slept right next to that much dust for 2 nights in a row. It’s no wonder that I needed my inhaler for a few days. I attributed it to my move/cleaning at first. But it must have been sleeping next to all that dust. Disgusting. I haven’t needed my inhaler since funnily enough. They are pretty good curtains though not a color I’d choose myself (maroon). I may have them done at the laundry mat so I don’t have to mess with all that dust myself (my Mum’s suggestion). My curtains aren’t quite long enough so I may have to let the hems out or something. Either that or just do without curtains(at this moment the most likely scenario)

I also unpacked a couple more things and have finally gotten all the stuff out of the huge boxes. Many boxes are still around me but it’s getting there slowly but surely.

Still no idea when MCI will deign to transfer my landline, even though I called the buggers 2 ½ weeks ago and waited a full hr before I could talk to a person. They’ve had ample time. I tried to find out about it last Tues and after a 45min wait, found out that that dept is busy and will call me back. Hah! Just as I expected, they didn’t call me back. I’m just going to cancel it which will probably require another freakin hr of hold time on the phone. I can’t call tonight as my cell needs to recharge after my talk with my family. I may try one of those online landline things instead or I might just wait and see how I do without the land line for a bit. I only really want it for my weekly talk to family – I don’t use any of the other features and all other long US long distance I can use my cell for. As is I only use ~200 of my 450 minutes, so I think I can manage with just my cell. The only problem would be getting it charged up. After an hr of talk it starts beeping to be recharged.

I’m tired of my cell phone – it’ll be 2 yrs in Oct before my contract is up and couldn’t come fast enough to suit me. I really don’t want to sign another 2yr contract. 2 yrs is just too long to have the same phone. I may end up signing another one to get the best deal if I find another really cool phone that I must have :)
I have seen a few cool-looking ones online. I have to see what they feel like in person. Like the cool blue razor I saw. I like the look of it and the color but the keys feel weird to me. I think I want a flip phone. My first cell was a flip-phone and real user-friendly. Good ole Motorola. My cousin C wants me to switch from Verizon to Cingular but I don’t really want to switch. Apart from S, she’s the person I talk to most often and we currently all have Verizon which makes it convenient for me cause then none of those minutes count toward my monthly total.

Still have a few change of address notices to take care of – mostly ones that don’t allow me to do it online/by phone easily.

Got to get to bed early tonight. Have been waking early but not going to bed until after midnight. Not very good. I’m aiming to get to bed by 11:30pm tonight.

Tonight I watched “The Wedding Gift” – much sadder than I realized it would be, worth seeing for sure, very well acted. On that note, I’m off to bed.

Ok so it’s official that I’m going stark raving mad now. The stupid cable guy did not ring my doorbell and left a note. No call. I left work early for this, had to explain to my boss and now I have to wait another fucking week for cable. Moving is hell. I’m sick of all the shit involved. Really sick of it now. Still no home-fucking-phone. NO damn cable or internet. Stupid boxes everywhere (cause I just can’t face unpacking). The worst thing about this all is having to explain all this shit to people. I’m tired of explaining. I forgot to mail a check to one of my credit and have a stupid $29 late-payment fee to show for it. I just forgot. I wrote the check out and forgot to mail it. I’ve never done that before. I’m normally very meticulous when it comes to stuff like this and just couldn’t believe it. It’s a good thing that I am somewhat obsessive and often check my accounts. I just checked it and then saw to my horror that it hadn’t been paid as I’d assumed. It’s all so very annoying. As it is I can barely stand to be in my apartment right now. I must go do something. I don’t have a lot of money right now but what’s new. I just have to get out.

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