Tuesday, August 28

my dilemma

Last night is the first night in ages that I've been able to fall asleep in my bed soon after getting in. I only got ~5 1/2hr sleep but it was a continuous 5 1/2 hr and that really makes a difference. I also slept fairly well the night before but I slept on my futon (intentionally) b/c it was too hot in the bedroom.

Had a nice chat today with my current crush aka my boy-toy :). I know it's not going anywhere and that's probably for the best. He's so cute though, all the way through. There are guys who are more good looking, more muscular, my age, etc. but none give me tingles in quite the same way as this guy does. It's sad and little pathetic, I know but there are moments...moments when I'm completely content...content to just listen to him talk about anything. He's very witty and quick. I do like a smart man, I do. I never have to explain things, he's gets it right away.

I kinda want to ask him to go to this festival with me. I want to go partly b/c Teada will be playing/for an opportunity to hang with him. When we hung out at our company picnic, it was great fun. He never left my side. It was very cool. I want to hang out with him, outside of work, but I don't know how to bring this about without seeming desperate or like a complete dork. Therein lies my dilemma.


Anonymous said...

Crushes are fun sometimes. It's nice to have those tingly butterflies.

On another note, I was wondering if you'd had a sleep study done. That might be able to figure out some of the reasons behind your insomnia issues.

Here I am at 2:12 a.m. and I still can't fall asleep after 10 mg of ambien (the recommended dosage) and 10 mg of melatonin. So I took another ambien, and that BETTER work, because I'm going to be feeling really hung over tomorrow.

Petra said...

I haven't had a sleep study done - kinda afraid of giving up control that way. I think some of my insomnia is due to my asthma meds specifically the corticosteroids that I take twice daily, that I need to take to keep my asthma under control. Another reason is probably due to stress which has been a little bit less in the last week or so (due in part to the absense of my boss :). I tried taking tylenolPM and I woke up at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep.
I'm just glad that I'm feeling tired at 11pm again. Tired at 11 usu means sleeping without waking until my alarm goes off at 630am.

Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

Just ask him what he's doing (the day of the event). If he says nothing, then you tell him you are thinking about going to said event. When it's right in the conversation, invite him along.

You won't seem desperate. He'll probably be happy that you asked.

Petra said...

Thx SFC, that sounds like a great suggestion and something I can actually do...will update if there's any news :)