Sunday, September 17

bull riders

Since when do bull riders wear helmets? Sure it's probably safer for them but isn't the danger the whole point of it. Bull riding in a helmet instead of cowboy hat just seems wrong. At least some of them are still wearing hats like they ought to. I find it kinda funny that the bull also gets a score as well as the rider. Why am I watching bull riding? I was channel surfing and bored, that's my story and I'm sticking to it :)

Slept on my bed for the first time(since my move) last night. Had a great sleep. My friend met me there and we picked up the box springs, then he carted them both inside for me. And all it cost me was asking and buying him lunch the day before(at my suggestion).

Still have some residual cold virus in me. Skipped chior/church today. Was very hoarse when I got up in addition to wheezing. I was wheezing a lot last night, even after I'd taken all the meds I could take. A bit worrying. I think it may just be my reaction to the cold. If I'm still sick in a couple days, I will try to get a doctor's appt. I missed getting my shots last week b/c I felt the cold coming. I'm hpoing that I'll feel better tomorrow. Definitely going to bed early tonight.

Fir night I went to see a play at local university called "Art" by Yasmina Reza. Just 3 actors and one basic set. I enjoyed it, it was very funny.


Anonymous said...

LOL! I can't imagine seeing someone wearing a helmet while riding a bull.

Petra said...

Right? And there were a few of them who were wearing helmets instead of cowboy hats, not just one.

Matt Owen said...

Why Bull Riding helmets? Great question! Looks to me like a simple matter of $$$ ~ money! Bull riding ain't what it used to be. We aren't in Kansas anymore...the sport is now worldwide thanks to the Professional Bull Riders various tours and the money a cowboy "athlete" can win is growing so fast that any injury can place them out for a season or longer leaving them without income or a chance at the world title.
I think you will continue to see major advancements in bull riding equipment used to compete in the sport! Chics dig scars...but rarely deformed monsters from massive reconstructive surgery!