Saturday, September 2

times like these

It's at times like these - U.S. holidays, when my friends go home to their families/their families come visit them, that I feeel lonely. Most of the time I'm fine. I barely notice it. Times like these when I wish I had a significant other. Think I'll go to a movie tonight. Get out of my head for a while.

I need to get out for a bit anyway. Did most of my laundry today so at least I was out for a little while. My landlord re-varnished the front stairs and railing of my apt and since then my apt has reeked of it. He told me it probably wouldn't be dry until Tues in the am so I have to use the back stairs until then. I made sure to take my inhaler cause I can just imagine the havoc all the fumes are doing to my lungs. Might sleep in my bedroom tonight on my sleeping bag. I've turned on a couple fans and opened the windows to try to disperse the fumes and circulate the air inside. Has helped a bit but I can still smell it. Before I turned on the fans I could also taste it which was very nasty. Ever smelled something so strong you get the sensation that you were tasting it. Yeah, just like that. Yuck!

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