Tuesday, August 22


I banged my elbow on the edge of my bed Sat evening just as I was getting ready to go out. Didn't have much time to nurse it (put ice). So I just left it. It was a little sore for a few minutes, but seemed to wear off and I forgot all about it. Sat night I went bowling. Mon, I notice that just above my elbow joint is tender to the touch. I wa telling E today that I think I have a hairline fracture in my lower humerus. Well, probably not. It'd probably hurt more than it does. It does hurt a lot though and today I noticed (after E pointed it out) that I have a big bruise forming there. I also have 3 other bruises on my arms (2 on one and 1 on the other) from the allergy shots I had last week. E also joked that I was in an abusive relationship with myself. Funny...for 5sec. I guess it is kind of funny, but not real fun. I did put an ice pack on it Sun and last night. Will do it again tonight.

I was going to play tennis tomorrow but I think I need to rest my arm for a bit, at least until the bruising goes away. I went to the gym today but only did legs and cardio. I went for a brisk 20min walk Mon. I have been trying to increase my exercise routine from 2-3days/week to 4-5days/week. Last Sat morning, I went for a walk with a friend from work and that was fun. We walked for about 40min. We're planning to make it a regular Sat am thing for as long as the weather is cooperative. I'm also going to walk on my own on Mondays after work, then Tues/Thurs at the gym for weight training/ short cardio workout. All that will give me 3-4 days of workout and I will just have to do 1 more. I'm also going to try cutting down on the crap I eat - no more late night oreos :)
I bought this bootcamp workout DVD - this is how delusional I am - thinking that it'd be great, I'd have fun, work out, get fit. Right. I couldn't follow it. Just like stupid aerobic classes, they start introducing dumb "grapevine" nonsense - I just can't follow or keep up. It's a little frustrating. Cause just looking at it, it looks do-able, like anyone could do it.

I ordered the split box spring for my bed last night. This weekend I really need to get all the boxes taken care of. I'm truly tired of seeing them.

I'm actually sleepy now so maybe I'll go to bed.


Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

I know how you feel about those workout dvds. I Tivo'd some shows on Fit TV thinking I could just replay them whenever. Five minutes into the routine I give up. I couldn't figure out how to do the moves and felt like an idiot. That's why I like yoga. It goes slow enough for me to figure out what to do.

Petra said...

I glad I'm not the only one who can't follow those things. Maybe I should give yoga a try.