Wednesday, July 5

stalker-free, still apt hunting

So I made the call to the EB, told him I didn't think we had anything in common, didn't want to date him anymore. If it was me and someone told me that, I would say, Thanks for letting me know, bye. It was in a word, excruciatingly awkward. He kept asking why, for me to give reasons(plural). Not in the mood to get into it all just now but it left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Might give more details later and transcipts of the stalker-like emails he sent me if I'm in a mood. Just glad it's over though.

Saw several apts tonight - none of which I can possibly live in - neighborhood too sketchy/looks like a dump/smelly. Why show an apt in that condition - crap hanging from the ceiling. Plus the guy showing the apts(all from the company/slum lord?) didn't know anything about the apts, not when they'd be available, not what utilities were included. Nothing. I have found one that has most of what I'm looking for. I do have a couple reservations about it b/c a)no laundry facility b) 2 people from my HR dept currently live there. So not my ideal situation.

1 comment:

Petra said...

I wouldn't go that far (I have family who work in HR who actually do a great job, sadly not for my company) but I certainly don't relish the thought of sharing a hallway with them.