Wednesday, November 16

Not allergic to...

I was tellng my friend E about my allergy results and she wanted to know what I wasn't allergic to. I'm not allergic to cats or dogs, that's about it. So she exclaims - now you can get a cat! I don't think so. I've never had a pet (other than fish) and don't want the sole responsibility. I like cats and dogs too but in small doses. Like belonging to other people. Kind of like how I like other people's kids ;) Fun for short periods of time but at the end of the day, they go home or I do.

Today she was telling me that I should get a turtle. The turtle thing is partly my fault. A co-worker was giving us a ride back from a function and he had to stop at his house to let his dogs out. So we went and they have 20 turtles. And they were so different and cute, some small, some large. There's one who escapes from his tank on a weekly basis-he just goes awol and eventually turns up on the stairs or behind a lamp. I never thought about how cool turtles could be, that they have personalities even. And one in particular, I was kind of taken with. His name, Splashy, how cute is that? And unlike most of the others who were trying to bite off my finger through the tank, Splashy just followed my finger around. I must have spent at least 5 min playing. Since then, E has been making the suggestion of my getting a turtle. The guy (with the turtles) has even offered to give me one of his. I briefly considered getting a turtle (for 10sec =)but then I came to my senses. I really don't want to have to clean up after it. And you can't leave their tanks dirty. Maybe I'm just too lazy and have hard enough time motivating myself to clean my place furthermore to have living things dependent on me for that. I guess if I did have a pet I would do it. Right now its all still hypothetical to me. So, I'm probably not going to get a cat or a dog anytime soon, even if my apt allowed them .


Anonymous said...

We had a turtle when I was growing up. It was really gross cleaning his tank, etc. And he always had a really slimy shell.

When you're ready, I think cats are very, very low maintenance. Just scoop the cat litter every couple days, and keep the water and food bowls stocked. Other than that cats pretty much take care of themselves.

Petra said...

maybe a cat someday.

Anna said...

For a pet, a cat is low maintenance. But it's still a pet, which is a responsibility. A big responsibility. Trust yourself to know whether or not you are ready.

Petra said...

Ann - I know, pets are a big responsibility and I know I'm not ready yet.