Saturday, November 26

weird moments

I've been having these weird moments where my right hand gets momentarily paralyzed. Its like a severe muscle spasm so bad that I have to stop whatever I was trying to do with my hand and try to move my fingers using my left hand. Takes a few moments before its comes out of its spasm. I was trying to put on my jacket in the car a couple nights ago, and after I'd just gotten my right arm through, my fingers just froze up in a curled position and it really hurt. I kept trying to pry open my fingers using my left hand and after about a minute it finally moved. This is the worst its been. The really scary thing is that it keeps happening and I just don't understand it. I was at dinner last at a friend's house and while eating, my figers froze and I had to remove the fork using my left hand until the spasm subsided. My friend sadi that it happens to her as well but usually only to one finger. She's on the same medications I'm on in addition to a few others. She's also 76. Hence my extreme concern. My hands hurts now.
Had more to say but I should probably stop now.


Anna said...

Tell you doctor!

Anna said...

umm... tell youR doctor...

Petra said...

yeah, that's my plan. I have an appt Wed. So I'll see.