Sunday, January 15

5F and 4" snow

We had a total of 4" of snow. Its 5F outside now, windchill at freakin -15F. Winter's baa-ack. There's a new guy at work who from Texas and its his first winter here. He was a little freaked out by the 1-2" snow/30F weather we had 2 weeks ago. I told him-that's nothing, just you wait. Can't wait to see what he thinks about having to brush snow off his car when the windchill is negative double digits. For some reason, I am looking forward to this. Guess my sis is not the only one with a slight mean streak ;)


Anonymous said...

That is just a little bit sadistic -- but totally understandable. :)

Petra said...

Yeah it is. I also forgot to mention that he's kinda cute and I'll take any opening to chat ;)