Thursday, January 26

Steer into skid

Last night on my way home I took a different street from normal (there are 2 streets I can take to the street my apt's on). As I started the turn onto my street, there was this huge sheet of ice...and my car...'danced' on it for about 5sec. I was like shit, shit, foot off gas/brake...steer, steer, steer. Luckily no-one was illegally parked on the curb (like they usually are) and no cars were trying to come out at the same time I was at the corner. So I was able to just steer (sorta) until my car got over the black ice. Scary but I handled it.

I had a car accident 2 years ago on black ice...I was joining main traffic on highway and my car skidded from the edge of the exit into on-coming traffic. My car was facing the median and I was hit on driver's side. Seconds before, I could hear and see cars whizzing by me on either side. Then I realized I was going to be hit and I ducked away from the window. Good thing since my driver's side window was shattered and there was a huge crack in the windshield. The driver's side door was pushed in about 6 inches. The car was totaled but I was very lucky and only lost my glasses, banged up my leg and had problems with my lower back. But nothing was broken. I didn't even get cut. So lucky when I think about what my car looked like after the accident. The other guy wasn't hurt much either, I think he had a sprained ankle.
It was scary and I thought I was going to die. For months after, I would hear the noise of the crash (crunching metal/breaking glass) in my head at random times, sometimes while driving. I started driving 4 days after(with crutches in tow). I got my current car 12 days after the crash. The skid brought this all back to me. My friend D thinks maybe I started driving again too soon after the accident. But what else could I do. You do what you have to do and you try to move on from things like this. At least I had all my limbs. Maybe that's when I started losing my mind? Just kidding. That's D's theory anyway well sort of. She thinks my current anxiety started from then. I'm not so sure about that.


Anonymous said...

Oh man, that accident sounds terrifying. I don't know if I'd want to get in the car again after that. I started sliding into the other lane at least twice last week; good thing nobody was in the other lane at the time.

I sympathize with your accident flashbacks. About a year and a half ago I was rear ended on the highway by a guy going about 50, and TO THIS DAY I get antsy at a stop light when someone's coming up behind me. I mentally brace myself for the impact! Is that crazy or what.

Petra said...

I don't think that's crazy at all and for both of us not unusual to have flashbacks. I've been rear-ended as well(last year) and it doea make me nervous whenever other people follow too closely-I think -are they going to stop or what?