Thursday, January 19

No Shit Sherlock

Current song on the iPod: Bring Me To Life...Evanescence. Love this song.

I got to work at 720am. Got the usual comments like the world was ending
Friend E: You're in really early today? (no shit Sherlock, I was a bit annoyed)
Me: I am in early today aren't I?

Friend C: Who are you and what have you done with?(this one made me laugh)
Me: I'm her evil twin, mwah-ha-ha-ha!

Irish Paddy: (does a double-take, looks behind him, then at me) You're all Alias aren't you, but you don't have her schedule right.
Me(slight Irish accent): Well blow me down and shiver me timbers.

I have to start going in early and put a stop to this nonsense. This happens every time I'm early. To be fair, I'm not early often... but when other people are, I say nothing. Wish other people could be more like me ;) Or at least keep their thoughts to themselves. I do know how to shut them up. Maybe I'll just change and start going early from now on. The upside of this is that I would be able to leave earlier at the end of the day. It's great to leave while it's still light out. I've definitely become too predictable.

Saw the psychologist today. Filled a mini-tome in forms. She scheduled my next appt 3 wks from now and not 1 wk from now so I think that's a good sign. I think. Today, I spent half of the time filling out the forms even though I got there 15min earlier like they asked supposedly to get it done then. Apparently the secretary had to go to the doctor so she wasn't there to give me the paperwork early. Not a big deal I suppose. She suggested I give up caffeine(switch to herbal caffeine-free teas instead) for a while-see if that helps me get better night's sleep. Plus she said that caffeine plays a major role in depression/anxiety. She also said that 1 cup tea was just as bad as 1 cup coffee... that even small amounts of caffeine make a difference. I'm not so sure about that. But, I'll try it and see if I notice a difference. I had a small overdose of chocolate a couple days ago (you do not want the details, trust me) and have decided to lay off it for a couple weeks so that'll help as well.


Anna said...

I think it's great that you are going to a therapist. it's very proactive and shows you are taking care of yourself. I hope it works out for you!

Petra said...

Thanks Ann. The funny thing is that if medication wasn't offered first, therapy would not have sounded so good to me. I think she can help and she said she can help me so I think it'll be a positive thing.