There's a new woman(Kay) at work who sits near me. She freaks me out. I don't like strangers to touch me. I have a large personal space bubble. Somedays I want to scream as I demarcate it "PERSONAL SPACE BUBBLE people". I was telling E that maybe I need a sign I can whip out for such situations.
Anyhoo, Kay has been working for 2 weeks and she is all up in my grill. Seriously. It's almost like she's stalking me. Following me around. Today, I was talking to C and E and I was sorta standing in the walkway between our cubicles. Then I felt as if someone was behind me, so I started turning around to move out of the way and saw her, and as she walked by me she rubbed my arm as she walked by. She had no reason to touch me. It really freaked me out. E said I visibly winced. Couldn't help it. Do not like strangers or acquaintances randomly touching me. My Mum puts it best. She says that she "has to prepare herself for people to touch her". She hates it when people sneak or come up quietly behind her and then touch her.
I like to eat my lunch at my desk alone most days. Sometimes I read journals or stuff on internet but I like the alone time. Time when I can just enjoy my meal and not have to talk or give of myself. Occasionally I go out to lunch with guys from my lab or with C or E but not everyday. So today, Kay comes over to my desk, plops herself down on C's chair (C sits directly opposite me) and proceeds to eat her lunch. Without so much as a by-your-leave. So I'm eating and staring at my pc. What does this mean to the outside observer? that I want to eat alone. You don't even ask if you can sit by me. It's not your seat. Then she proceeded to ask me annoying question after annoying question. e.g.
Kay: Do you eat in the lunchroom?
Me: No, but you can if you want (if I ate in the lunchrm why would be at my desk eating?)
K: Why not?
Me: Not my scene.
K: you make your lunch?
Me: No, microwave meal.
You would think that by my monosyllabic answers and the fact that I very rudely kept reading stuff on the internet, that maybe, just maybe, I wanted to eat alone in peace. Kay just sits there and continues to talk to me. God alone knows why. I know it was rude of me - but she'd already touched me and asked far too many stupid questions of me and just seemed to be there everytime I turned around and it was only 12pm. I just didn't want to deal with her anymore. She's just trying too hard to be my friend. I can't stand it. it's just freaking me out and I just want her out of my face. Does that make me a terrible person? Maybe but I don't care. I choose my friends. You can't just become my friend by sheer force of your will. I click with people or I don't.
I'm the same way when it comes to touching. That lady needs to learn about personal boundaries.
Yeah she does - she touched me again today. It's creepy. My close friends at work who I've known for 3+ yrs don't touch me ramdomly like this and I met this woman just over 2 weeks ago and she's rubbed my arm twice.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
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