Wednesday, August 17

The Interview Game

I got these questions from Ann at Ann's Attitude.

1. Where's your favorite spot in the world and why?

This was kind of hard for me to answer. There're still many places in the world I have yet to see and experience.
For now, I have a tie - I grew up in a small town 10 minutes from the ocean and there was a small bay we'd go to almost every day during the summer when school was out. The sea breezes were wonderful and there was an almond tree nearby for climbing, to lean against and for shade.
My other spot is not a particular spot exactly. I love fall and there are so many beautiful trees around my neighborhood at that time, I just love walking and taking it all in.

2. Do you have a driving passion in your life? If so, what is it?

Yes. Food. I love learning about the preparation and origin of foods from different places and cultures. My family is mainly from several different Caribbean islands and the foods in each have similarities and differences. I grew up watching my grandma and Mom cooking; sometimes my uncles would also prepare dishes when we had family gatherings. I guess I always felt welcome in the kitchen whether or not I was helping. I love the smells of a well-run kitchen. I talk about food often, the preparation, why I prefer certain types over others, etc. I also watch a lot of food network-it’s my default channel on TV. I love eating a well-prepared meal especially when I don't have to do the dishes :)

I'm a pretty good cook and I used to cook more often than I do lately. I used to prepare 3-4 dishes on the weekends (usually 4-5 servings each) and then freeze them in portions so that I could have a variety of meals for lunch and dinner during the week. I'd been doing this for almost 2yrs and realized that I was exhausted, all-cooked-out, I guess. Then I lived on microwave dinners for a couple months and have been slowing working back into it.

3. If you could change any one thing about your life, what would it be?

I'd have a job I enjoyed going to every day where I could make enough so that I wouldn't have to worry about money. I wouldn't have to rely on credit cards or worry about retirement.
I have a good job I guess but I don't always want to go to it and I don't make enough, maybe I'm too materialistic. Plus there are risks that are unavoidable and accidents happen when you least expect even when you work as safely as possible.

4. What's your biggest fear? Why?

My biggest fear used to be that I'd die young, before I reached 30. I'm asthmatic and during my teens I used to have to go the hospital for treatment 2-3 times a year. Once when I had to stay overnight, I thought I would die then for sure. After that time, the fear was not as bad, I guess I just accepted that I had no control over whether I would die young or not. It wasn't up to me. In my early 20s, I had much better control of my asthma and so now I'm not that anxious about dying anymore.

Now, my biggest fear is something I don't really want to write or think about. In general terms, I worry that if something happened to any of my close family, I live so far away, and I wouldn't be able to help them if they needed me.

5. Is there anything guaranteed to make you smile? What is it?

My older sis and my Mom, we're always laughing. Sometimes about nothing. We talk on the phone weekly and it’s hilarious.

And if YOU want to play the interview game, here are the directions:

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment saying "Interview me". ("Tickle me" or "Caress me" are not acceptable substitutes.) You must leave your blog address so that I can think of good questions for you.

2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different. I'll post the questions in the comments section of this post.

3. You will update your blog with the answers to my questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in your post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Ready. Set. Go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for playing :)