Wednesday, April 5

My money was on Elliot to leave tonight on idol. Oh well.

The show Unanimous is weird but interesting. So one of them decides to leave -which cuts the money in half. As she's leaving she says,"money is the root of all evil...I don't want to be around that". Ok so you just realized that money is the root of all evil. One would think that she'd have that figured out since she's a minister. Plus if she really believed that, why did she willingly go on a reality show where she could potentially have won 1.5 milliion dollars. Kind of hypocritical to me.

My new fav phrase is, "that Richard is a whole bunch of cuckoo (pronounced koo-koo)". Yep, that gem is also from unanimous.

Ok one more, "crazy as a crap house rat".

Tomorrow I will find ways to incorporate my two new fav phrases into general conversation. May not be easy but I'm up for the challenge :)

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