Sunday, October 16

not in the mood to write

Lately, I haven't been in the mood to write anything. Overall I'm feeling better and sounding better but still not quite there yet. But now I can take my inhaler every 6h which I have to take as progress. So tired of this being sick crap.

It's that time of the month again so I took a couple extra-strength midol and went out last night in spite of the pain I was feeling. We saw "Proof" with Gwyneth Paltrow and Jake Gyllenhaal. I thought it was both weird and interesting. Worth the money though.

The due date for my 20+ page report has been extended until first week in Nov. This is kind of good since I'm only half-way through it. They made other things higher priority. But it also means that it'll be longer b/c I'd have made more things by then which will also have to be included.

I also have slides to do for our biweekly meeting (due Wed - not bad, 2wks of work) as well as for our 6mth review (due Fri - toughie, summarize work done from April-now). We do this review for upper management. In addition to making compounds. Its going to be a long week. I really need to focus and plan my week well so that I can get all this stuff done in time.

For the 20pg one I have to do these calculations for each of the compounds I made. I couldn't remember how to do them at all since I haven't had to do any since my second yr chem classes. Feel so stupid not knowing and I looked it up online and in my old texts but couldn't find anything that made it clear enough for me. I really didn't want to have to go ask my supervisor to show me since it is kind of basic stuff. I haven't had to write reports that required this info before but most other people have. I looked through some old papers of mine tonight and found some notes from the class I took. I think I've finally figured it out now. Won't know until I go in Mon and can try it on the data at work.

Did some vacuuming today. Opened all my windows. Today's the first day in almost 2wks that it hasn't rained and it was great to be able to let all that fresh air in. There was a cool breeze as well. Went to a BBQ as well this evening with my pal. It was fun. In this crowd, I'm usually the only chemist. Very different discussions from when I hang out with my friends from work. The party was breaking up and then they broke out the pool table. Haven't lost my touch completely. I'm not a great pool player or a very bad one. I'm o.k. One of my friends has told me that I'd be a better player if I played 2-3 shots instead of one shot at a time. This is probably true but I have fun just going for it one at a time.

I must confess that officially we lost. A technicality to be sure but yes we lost. I made the eight ball but it didn't go in the pocket I called, so technically, they won. (That was just for you gradgirl =) but I won't admit it again)

Bedtime for me (yawn).

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