Wednesday, September 28

Getting better but stilll grossing myself out

I spent at least 15 min today just blowing my nose. Went through 1/2 box of tissues. My nose was red and very sore. Should probably have bought puffs w/ lotion like the nurse suggested but I prefer plain kleenex...usually...of course I don't normally need to blow my nose with such frequency.

This is gross but true (you might want to skip to the next paragraph):
If you combine the amount of mucus I've either coughed up or blew out of my nose today, it'd be enough to fill a 1/2 gallon milk carton. Trust me on this, I'm good with estimating volumes/weights, comes from working in the lab.


Anonymous said...

A HALF GALLON?? Man, that is gross -- but kinda fascinating too. Never underestimate the body's ability to produce mucus, I guess.

Petra said...

Yeah,it is...was thinking of deleting this entry.