Friday, September 23

It's not a cold, it's some sort of plague

Plagues aren't ordinary at all, I should be happy about that at least, right. Obviously all the meds I'm taking have gone to my head.

Had a horrible night. Woke up at 2.30am b/c I couldn't breathe and was so short of breath I could barely take my inhaler. It was very scary. It's times like those when I wish I had a roommate. I should have set my alarm for midnight so I could take my inhaler when it was due - usually when I'm wheezing I have to take it round the clock (every 4-6hrs) for a couple days. So I took it at 8.30p and at 2.30am it was past due. Took me a while to calm down, I thought I was dying, it felt that way. If my doc saw me like that, she would have me admitted to hospital for sure.

When I was back home I had to go to the hosptial for my asthma about twice a year, it would be those times when I was still wheezing after taking all the meds I could. They take asthmatics very seriously in the ER, you get preference over broken bones and other stuff you'd think should be priority. Usually I'd be there a couple hrs while I got 2 nebulizers ( which is direct inhalation with an oxygem-type mask of the asthma bronchodilators, then usu an intramuscular injection if they didn't work, and if I was still wheezing then they'd set up an IV and keep me for the night.

I hate hospitals. Well not hospitals as a whole, just being a patient in a hospital. My Mum's a nurse and I often met her at work and that was ok. Just having to be in a hospital bed is what freaked me out. One time they didn't have a bed left and I had to sleep on an examination table - it sucked big time. That was the one time my Mum wasn't able to talk them into letting me go home with her. She would give me the intramuscular injections herself then.

So I'm glad I was able to calm down enough and that my meds worked last night. Just the thought of having to call an ambulance makes me nauseated.

My voice still sounds horrible. Of course I stayed home from work today. Will see my doc tomorrow, well not my usu one but another one in the practice whom I've seen before. I think I need antibiotics, however, I don't have a reasonable reason for why I think I do. I just do.

This is a little gross so stop reading now if you can't take it.

The mucus that's been draining from me is mostly clear which is usually a sign that antibiotics aren't really needed. The way my cough sounds is what makes think I need antibiotics. Usually when I have a cough like this, and I take them, the sound of the cough changes - I don't know if that makes sense or not - but it does. It becomes more of a productive cough usu within 2 days which helps bring up more stuff and then I know I'm on the mend. I hate being sick. Went out for soup, meds today. Feeling better than last night but still nowhere near my usual self. Spent the day sleeping mostly, waking up to take my meds and drink soup. Kind of sick of the whole soup thing but am out of bagels and not in the mood for cereal. Too sick to do any real cooking.

Going to bed soon, about the only time I do this early is when I'm sick. Time for flonase anyway.


Anonymous said...

I always think one of the absolute scariest, most terrifying things in life is when you can't breathe. I don't think I could hold it together if I had asthma.

Hope you feel better soon!!!!

Petra said...

Thanks Jennifer, I'm getting there slowly. The asthma thing I've lived with for more yrs than not and most of the time is manageable with the daily meds I take.