Thursday, September 22

It's official-I have a cold

I don't get colds very often, about 2-3 times a year tops. And when I do, they don't usually last more than 2 days.

So when it happens for a week or more I go in denial about what's really wrong and I don't recognize it. I always think it must be something more serious than a cold. Colds are so ordinary, everyone gets them. Don't know why I think I should be exempt from them. Must be part of my whole self-absorbed slightly superior complex (yeah I just made that up). Am slightly delirious.

I left work early today(at 3.30p-yeah that's early at my job). Felt awful. Plus with the congestion, I've also been wheezing. The horrible sore throat of this morning has prgressed further into coughing, occasional sneezing and heavy congestion which I can feel in my chest.

When my asthma acts up I can barely think straight, it's almost like having a mini-panic attack. Just can't focus and had to sit myself down and do some breathing exercises so I could focus enough to take the meds I needed to take. As of 8p, I've taken albuterol, flovent, decongestant, tylenol and have rubbed vicks all over, and coughed up about half a lung. Feel a bit better now. But am extremely tired. And my throat hurts from the coughing.

That's what I get for not sleeping enough these past few weeks. My body's too run down to put up a good fight.

Have a funny story about calling my doc this morning but really tired now. Must sleep.


Anna said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Petra said...

Me and you both :)