Tuesday, September 20

Tomorrow's another day

Long, long day at work. Still don't feel like I accomplished much but I did get a couple things out to ship (the amount of compounds we ship is used as an indirect measure of our productivity) today. Had to extend the 3pm deadline till 4 but got it done. Then spent an hr on powerpoint slides. And then it was suddenly 5pm. Tomorrow's another day and as my Mum says "the work's not going anywhere".

Almost made it to the gym, again, but I just couldn't face it today. Had cereal and ice cream for dinner :) - not together - but one after the other. I keep trying to think up ways to get out of my gym contract but then I also think of how they'd talk me back into it or trick me back into it. My friend said I could get my doc to write me a note saying I had to quit. But my doc would never do that. She all but did a happy dance when I told her I'd joined a gym.

I don't feel too bad cause I did some major dancing around my living room tonight to Shania/Weezer/Shakira among others. Kind of tired now. And my wrists hurt, probably b/c I was on the computer at work for a while today and am on now.

I couldn't make it in a job which required hrs on the computer every day. I'd probably end up with carpel tunnel (for real), as is, my doc said I should wear a wrist brace thingy when I'm online.

About a month after I got my computer I kept getting these awful pains in my wrist/elbow. I thought it might be residual stuff from a car accident I'd had. Went to my doc and after checking me out, she recommended I use the wrist thingy b/c she was pretty sure it wasn't a nerve problem or anything serious. Then I told her about my new pc and my excitement with my new pc and she was like - aha! how many hrs a day have you been on?
I was like - umm 3 or 4hrs. She's so smart. Nothing gets by her. I think it's very important to have a doctor you trust and respect. She's always able to put my fears to rest, or at the very least in perspective, about my real (or imagined :) medical problems.

Went to sleep too late last night and getting up today took some doing. Note to self: go to bed before 2am.

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