Wednesday, February 22

America, Meet Ace Young

American Idol
Let me just say that Ace Young can be my "father figure" anytime anywhere. That's the song he sang tonight and boy was I feeling it. In fact, he can just be mine. That'll work for me.

If you don't watch the show, I'm not encouraging you to do so. However, do go to the site and check this guy out-Ace Young, people, the next American Idol? Maybe. He can sing. He got the looks, sex appeal and charisma up-the-ying-yang.

I think I like the guys on american idol more. I just love this guy. I'm so into the show tonight that I'm actually going to call in and vote. Imagine! Never thought I would ever do that. Didn't have any desire to vote for the girls last night. Not quite sure what that says about me :p oh well.

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