Friday, February 3

Listening to: Love for Fun

Listening to: Love for Fun...Enrique Eglesias

Took another chemistry review to read at the gym and was on the stat. bike for 24min. This is my personal best-usually I'm dying after 10min and have to push to stay on longer. I think I probably rush sometimes as well and maybe that's why I burn out after 10min. But with the distraction of the paper(wrapping my mind around the reactions) the time went by and I was exhausted but not dying.

When I got home and couldn't decide what to have so I took a long shower to ease my aching muscles. Then did dishes and next thing it 9pm and I hadn't had anything other than some OJ. So I had a sandwich, just wasn't in the mood to make anything that needed to be cooked. I think maybe the butter I used might have a little off.

Either that or I have some sort of gastric flu because I woke up at 3am in serious pain, major cramps (that TOTM again) and also general feeling of unwellness. By 330am I was violently ill(you don't want any more details). Trying to block out the images. Arghhh! I got back to bed and couldn't get back to sleep. I felt a little better by 730am so decided to go to work.

I should probably have not gone in but I knew I'd worry about the reactions I had on, a couple of them would go bad if you leave them going for more than 24hrs.
I figured I could take care of the reactions I'd set the night before, and if I felt worse and/or didn't feel better I could always come home early. I was able to get them all taken care of. My stomach felt dodgy all morning and so I left at 11am and came home and slept. Woke up and felt a little hungry so had some plain bread and felt a bit better. Then had doritos, probably not the best idea but I just needed something salt. Luckily it didn't make me sick :) I slept for most of the afternoon so now I'm wide awake. Stomach still a bit queasy but much better than earlier today. OJ made my stomach more upset, perhaps too much for its current state. Cereal settles it quite nicely. Got a good book so going to bed soon, hopefully I won't have a repeat of last night.

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