Monday, February 27

The cool kids

Should have stayed at home today. Our hoods were up and down most of the day. When the hoods are "down" they alarm so they were going off all day. The alarms are good cause it lets us know that the hoods aren't doing their job(pulling fumes away) but annoying and the air quality in the lab was very poor.

Felt better this morning than yesterday and better tonight than this morning. Still sneezing and coughing but not anything like yesterday.

With the hoods and how I was feeling earlier today I did very little. Plus had class today. Being the ultimate procrastinator I am, by noon I had yet to do the 2 lit. reviews that were due today (even though we no class last week). I had more than enough time but just kept putting it off. Got them done just before I had to leave for class at 4. One was done well and the other only half-assed. But at least it was done. I guess it was good that I went to work even though I wasn't feeling 100% b/c there's no way I would have gotten the lit. reviews done or probably even gone to class. And then I would have felt bad b/c the class costs a lot of money. Probably not to my company but a lot of money to me - more than 1mths rent - so I want to get the most out of it and not waste the opportunity even though they're paying, not me.

E and I car-pooled and I drove with no mishaps (near accidents). The sun was out when we left work so I had my Rx sunglasses on. All well and good except that we were already a couple min late by the time we got to the door of class. That's when I realized that I'd forgotten to change my sunglasses for my regular ones. Too late to go back for them. So I just had to deal. Everyone was looking and kept looking. At first I thought - why are they staring at me - then I realized, I'm wearing sunglasses night. But what else could I do. I couldn't even see my notbook without them on furthermore the slides on the screen.

Before class E and I were chatting about how we're always late. Sometimes my fault, sometimes hers, we forget things, like notebooks and have to go back for them or get caught up in lab. Anyhoo, we're usually 2-3min late. We were saying that we're the cool kids anyway so it's ok that we always make an entrance. So tonight, E said that now everyone else knew just how cool we are :)


Anonymous said...

All the cool kids wear sunglasses indoors! At least, all the cool celebrities do.

NML/Natalie said...

You would have been too cool for school ;-) My bro wears his sunglasses to nightclubs and I keep telling him he looks like a wanker.

Petra said...

Jen-does that mean that my lifelong dream has finally come true? I'm now a celebrity? :)

Hi Nml - sunglasses in school = cool
sunglasses in nightclubs = wanker
Got it, will keep that in mind :)