Thursday, March 2

damn, I'm good ;)

Damn, I'm good. Totally predicted who was going home tonight on american idol. Am kind of sad to see Brenna go. I knew she was going though. She had a chance to redeem herself, one last chance to show a little humility - Seacrest asked her if she had any flaws. I think that if she'd answered differently, she might not have been going home tonight. She was all - I'm the shizit, everyone knows it and will vote for me (my version of course). I knew it was the end of the road for her. And Heather was horrible. Next week's pick will be a little more challenging.

Went to allergy center to get my first set of allergy shots today. Guess what, apparently, they can't give you the shots if you've taken your emergency inhaler within the last 24hrs - the shot might push you over into anaphylactic shock (fun fact?). Also you can't get the shot if you are sick. I'm still cooughing a little and last night had a little trouble breathing, so I took my inhaler-totally didn't think that it'd affect the shots. Well, now I know.

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