Friday, March 17

Jumpstart and jumping fish

Was watching JumpStart on VH1 this morning while having my cereal. Cool vides show in the am. Saw the video for "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter. I love this song and it's played on idol everything time someone is sent home. It was nice to see it with different images. The video is pretty cool. Another cool video is for Nickelback"s "Savin' Me". Great concept. This guy is staring, staring at people as they walk by, but we don't know why at first. Then he pulls this guy who is about to be hit by a bus back and saves his life. Then the guy he saves starts looking around. And you see what he sees - he sees time-couonters on top of everyone's head. At first you wonder what is going on. Then I realized that it was a countdown of how long they had to live. And he's looking and looking for the person he has to save. Eventually he sees a woman about to open her car and you see her countdown clock with only minutes left, then seconds, then he pulls her bakc just as this huge crane drops and crushes her car. I like Nickelback but usual only like the singles they release. They do have the coolest videos though. They had a great one for "Someday" as well.

Just watching Croc Hunter. He's a nut. Getting so close to those crocs with raw meat in his hands. I can barely watch it, it slways looks like he's ablut to lose a hand...but somehow he doesn't. Now watching PetStar. There was this woman on who brought her fish Joe, she said she taught him to jump "that's more to life than just swimming in circles" and I quote. Well she stood there and talked to it but nothing. No jumping. No surprise I guess. But my eyes were glued to the screen even though I thought it unlikely that she could have trained the fish to jump. The judges were disappointed as well but she still got some points. Fine entertainment I tell you, fine entertainment.

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